
In My Life

There is something quite eery in waking up to an empty hostel room,
knowing all you friends have left,
the dream is over,
and with one plane ride, you will be rudely shaken awake.

This trip has changed me.
Taught me.
Molded me.
And I will never be the same.
These people, these places, this country
they have all moved me in such a way that is inexpressible through words. I am forever changed for the better by the events that transpired throughout this journey.
I have learned about myself,
my art, the human race,
and the world.

There are no words that can truly depict the time I had here, the friendships I have made, or the person I have become. The experiences I have had the past six weeks are so precious to me. There are in such a special place in my heart. Talking and writing about them will be so inadequate. The words I write will give no justice to the feelings and the moments I have had. And as I sit here reflecting on those moments and the precious time that I have had here, it brings tears to my eyes. So with that, I will let the moments resonate within me, and speak in very general terms:

The world is meant to be traveled. It is meant to be explored.
There are people out there waiting to meet you,
foods out there waiting to be tried,
languages waiting to be struggled with,
roads waiting to be walked on, and paths waiting to be paved.
Let yourself be molded. Let yourself find your soul. Find your happiness and fight for it everyday.

Maybe one day I talk about the general things we have done here, the places we visited, and the moments we all shared.
But as for today, I will take my time to reflect and smile on the time I have had in the United Kingdom.
I will hold on to my moments in my heart as best I can.

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